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Weekly Words for the Journey

To My Beloved PBBC Community

We believe in the Spirit who blows through our lives:
unsettling us,
stirring us up,
propelling us forward.

We believe in the Spirit who comes as a fire:
warming us,
empowering us,
re-making us.

We believe in the Spirit who frees our tongues:
for talking of God,
for prayer,
for advocacy.
We believe in the Spirit:
the Counselor,
the Helper,
the Breath of God.

As we prepare to celebrate the Day of Pentecost this coming Sunday, I am inspired by these images of the Holy Spirit; they speak to so many of our experiences right now…

Winds of change blow and we are unsettled by our lack of human contact, stirred up by our fear of the virus, propelled forward by our faith that will not let us go.

Flames of passion burn and we are warmed by acts of love and generosity, empowered by stories of sacrifice and service, re-made by losses and lessons we are moved to appreciate.

Tongues speak and we talk of all that is essential in the eyes of God, we pray for all that is burdened in the grief of God, we advocate for all that is left unsaid in the justice of God.

In these days of Pentecost let OUR spirit become a HOLY Spirit, as we become counselor to those who struggle, helper to those who serve, breath of God to all those who believe.

I believe in you, and remain with you…Pastor Claudine