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Weekly Words for the Journey

To My Beloved PBBC Community

Order of Service for World Communion Sunday on October 4th
(You are invited to use your own bread and juice there at home)

Invitation to the Table
This table is open to all who confess Jesus as the Christ
and seek to follow Christ’s way.
Come to this sacred table not because you must, but because you may.
Come not because you are fulfilled, but because in your emptiness
you stand in need of God’s mercy and assurance.
Come not to express an opinion, but to seek a presence and to pray for a spirit.
Come to this table, then, sisters and brothers, as you are.
Partake and share. It is spread for you and me
that we might again know that God has come to us,
shared our common lot, and invited us to join the people of God’s new age.

Words of Institution
We read in scripture that on the night that Jesus was betrayed
he gathered with his friends and disciples in an upper room;
and once they had gathered, he took a common loaf of bread,
and having blessed it and given thanks for it,
he broke it, and he offered it to his disciples, saying,
“Take and eat; this is my body which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
And so ministering to one another in the spirit of Christ,
and remembering the body that was broken for each of us,
we share this bread…

In the same way we read that after supper Jesus took the cup and poured it out
and offered it to his disciples, saying, “This cup is the cup of the new covenant,
sealed in my blood and poured out for you, for the forgiveness of sins.
As often as you drink it, do this remembering me.”
And so again ministering to one another in the spirit of Christ,
and remembering the life and love that was poured out for all of us,
we share this cup…

Having been fed and nourished at this table, and at our own tables, let us prepare now to be bread and cup for the world! In the grace of God, the love of Christ, the peace of the Holy Spirit.

Blest be the tie that binds,
Pastor Claudine