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Weekly Words for the Journey

“Awaken Me”

Risen One,
come, meet me
in the garden of my life.

Lure me into elation.
Revive my silent hope.
Coax my dormant dreams.
Raise up my neglected gratitude.
Entice my tired enthusiasm.
Give life to my faltering relationships.
Roll back the stone of my indifference.
Unwrap the deadness in my spiritual life.
Impart heartiness in my work.

Risen One,
send me forth
as a disciple of your unwavering love,
a messenger
of your unlimited joy.

Resurrected One,
may I become
ever more convinced
that your presence lives on,
and on, and on,
and on.

Awaken me!
Awaken me!

-Joyce Rupp

In this season of Easter, I wish for you unlimited joy even in the midst of unending heartache, and I thank you for being messengers of unwavering love even in the uncertainties of life.

May the blessings of hope and possibility rise within you each day…Pastor Claudine